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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Page 2 of telegram toCanberra and Wellington


United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Philippines. Proposal presupposes continuation of French military effort in Indo-China. US is prepared to contribute and play its full part in such a common effort.

(4) Secretary stressed attitude of UK, Australia, and New Zealand, particularly former, was key to problem. With passage of time danger would increase and capacity for united action would be reduced. It would be difficult to hold unity of free world if we waited until danger was at our very doorstep. If danger not recognized by United Kingdom and Commonwealth, which much closer to it than we are, we cannot move.

(5) Matter would at some time be laid before UN with view to broadening support as much as possible. However, coalition we had in mind was indispensable and we could not count on UN for effective action.

(6) We believe action by coalition would not lead to Chinese intervention. However, if this happened we would all consult.

Spender referred to Australian election May 29 and obviously feared interjection of issue in campaign. However, he personally felt action should be taken if we believed French. Situation would deteriorate irretrievably in next two months.

