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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Page 3 of telegram toCabnerra and Wellington


Munro referred to New Zealand commitments in Middle East which would need to be changed and said attitude of United Kingdom would be of great significance to his government.

In reply to inquiry concerning expected Australian and New Zealand contribution Admiral Radford indicated Australian carrier and New Zealand naval effort comparable to that it had contributed in Korea would be satisfactory.

Ambassadors indicated they would consult their governments immediately.

For Peaslee: As Spender raised Australian election as possible difficulty, Merchant at Secretary's discretion today had supplemental talk with Spender suggesting matter might be manageable politically if Australians took initiative and thereby gained credit as they had on creation of Anzus. You may have opportunity plant same seed with Menzies or Casey.

For Peaslee and Scotten: Please follow up urgently with Australian and New Zealand governments at highest levels with view to early favorable response.


