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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Page 2 of telegram toAmembassy PARIS


should occur prior to conclusion of collective defense arrangements, then the US reaction would have to be judged under circumstances of the moment, but in any case President would expect to make his action dependent upon Congressional authorization, assuming US interests not (rpt not) directly attacked. However, Defense advises that their intelligence does not (rpt not) indicate that Chinese airfield situation is such as to make such intervention seem likely.

4. Our normal processes of delivery of planes and equipment are proceeding and do not (rpt not) plan any interruption. We must be vigilant to prevent what in effect would be turning over equipment to the enemy. It is of course absolutely indispensable that any French cease fire or armistice negotiations should protect the right of the US to repossess itself of the planes and equipment which it has delivered for purposes of fighting Communists under agreements which give us the right to recapture if this use no longer contemplated.

5. Note acceptance Paris as place of negotiations.

6. Respecting conditions named our 4023, would like your suggestion regarding condition 2 (d). We believe there might be some flexibility on our side regarding formulation but there cannot be any equivocation on completeness of independence if we are to get Philippines and Thailand to associate themselves. Without them, whole arrangement would collapse