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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

Page 3 of telegram to amembassy PARIS


because we are not (rpt not) prepared to intervene purely as part of a white Western coalition which is shunned by all Asian states.

7. The phrase "and others" was designed to refer to other forces than those of US and France. The formula "principally air and sea" was not (rpt not) designed to exclude anti-aircraft artillery, and limited US ground forces for protection of bases which might be used by US naval and air forces.

8. Will do best respecting secrecy. The press report referred to Sugqest Laniel that Fr Emb Wash be instructed to exercise utmost discretion almost certainly came from French Embassy. Are these negotiations.

9. FYI, we believe as suggested your last sentence principal French motivation is to use US position to get better terms at Geneva. We have no (rpt no) objection to this, provided action is consistent with the principles which we think necessary and have reported to Under Secretary at Geneva as essential to avoid thinly disguised capitulation. We would expect if the French and ourselves are working together to create collective defense of the area, we should also work closely at Geneva end the French Delegation would not (rpt no) agree at Geneva to terms which we felt involved virtual abandonment of area to Communist forces. Certainly we should have full opportunity to know what was going on and have timely opportunity to express our views, and if they are ignored, publicly ti disassociate ourselves.

