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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


4. General Ely informed me that steps had been taken by the French Air Force to supply additional aviation mechanics to Indo-China and to replace our 200 U.S. Air Force mechanics along the following lines:

a. The tour of duty of 200 French mechanics due for early return to France is being extended two months. This will permit the operation of the 25 additional B-26s without need for more U.S. personnel. 15 Air crews now in training in France and North Africa are being sent by air to Indo-China.
b. Fifty mechanics arc being sent from France within the next month and beginning 1 June, one hundred additional per month will be sent to a total of 450.
c. The 200 U.S. Air Force mechanic s can be released "within 8 days of 15 June".

5. General Ely raised the question of obtaining authorization to use the C-119 transports to drop napalm at Dien Bien Phu. Although the U.S. does not expect spectacular results, this was approved on condition:

a. No U.S. crews were involved.
b. The French high command requested the diversion of this air lift capability to meet the emergency situation at Dien Bien Phu.