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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


6. I presented to General Ely our views in regard to expanding the MAAG to assist the French in training the Vietnamese, indicating to him the importance which we attach to this action, first, to obtain better results, secondly to release French officers for combat service. General Ely was most unsympathetic to any encroachment on French responsibilities or significant expansion of the MAAG. The reasons given related to French "prestige", possible lack of confidence in French leadership by the Vietnanmese, "the political situation in France" etc. The only commitments I was able to get from General Ely were:

a. He would urge General Navarre to be most sympathetic to the advice given by the officers recently assigned to MAAG (such as Colonel Rosson).
b. He would request General Navarre to discuss the utilization of U.S. staff officers with General O'Daniel "on the spot in a broad, understanding and comprehensive manner". I would male a similar request of General O'Daniel.
c. He would make some informal soundings in Paris on the subject of increased U.S. participation in training and would communicate further with me — informally — through General Valluy.

I conclude that the French are disposed firmly to resist any delegation of training responsibilities to the U.S. MAAG.