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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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V.B.3. (Book IV)


The Eisenhower Administration, 1953 - 1960

Contents and

Chronological List of Documents

1956 French Withdrawal - 1960

1956(cont'd) Page
269. The state Department informs Defense of the understanding that TERM personnel will perform functions of training which are inseparable from tasks of recovering and maintaining MDAP equipment. Only formal approval by the ICC is necessary for the TERM to arrive in Vietnam. State Letter to Secretary of Defense, 1 May 1956 1057
270. The Army states its position on the Southeast Asia issue. Specifically, the U.S. should qualify its position with neutral nations, should allocate the major proportion of U.S. resources into economical and technical assistance, should assist indigenous forces to provide internal security, should prepare to intervene against aggression, and should oppose continuance of colonialism. Army Memorandum for NSC Planning Board, 20 June 1956 1060
271. The President approves U.S. military action to encourage Vietnamese military planning for defense against external aggression and to manifest other ways to assist Vietnam to defend itself in accordance with the Manila Pact Secretary of Defense Memorandum for JCS, 16 July 1956 1064
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