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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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272. The intelligence estimate of the political, economic and military situation in Vietnam through mid-1957 concludes that: (1) DRV will not attempt an invasion of South Vietnam; (2) the trend toward stability in South Vietnam will continue barring invasion, guerrilla action, or death of Diem; (3) basic economic progress will be slow; and (4) significant sect resistance has been eliminated; but 8–10,000 armed communists pose a serious internal security problem. NIE 63-56, 17 July 1956 1066
273. The President approves NSC 5612 statement of U.S. policy in mainland Southeast Asia. This policy treats the Viet Minh as not constituting a legitimate government and sets forth actions to prevent the Viet Minh, from expanding their political influence and territorial control in Free Vietnam and Southeast Asia. NSC 5612/1, 5 September 1956 1082
274. The JCS recommend that the United States make no specific force commitments to the SEATO, but that the Military Advisor inform SEATO nations of the U.S. forces deployed and available to the Pacific for contingency planning. JCS Memorandum for Secretary of Defense, 16 November 1956 1096
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