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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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1957 - 1958 Page
275. Defense urges the State Department to seek international concurrence in the abolition of the ceiling on MAAG personnel in Vietnam in order to fulfill increased training requirements resulting from withdrawal of French training missions. ISA Memorandum to State, 15 April 1957 1098
276. Vietnam seems clearly persuaded that its interests lie in stronger affiliation with the Free World. The Army in Vietnam is now capable of insuring internal security. 321st NSC Meeting, 12 May 1957 1100
277. The prospects for North Vietnam for the next year are estimated. Essentially, it is concluded that the DRV remains in firm control even though there have been outbreaks of sporadic violence, that the DRV would attack only if Moscow and Peiping were sure that the U.S. would not intervene, and that the DRV will continue its tactics of "peacefu1 competition." NIE 63.2-57, 14 May 1957 1101
278. President Diem discusses his plans and programs with Deputy Secretary Donald Quarles. Among these are the resettlement programs, road building, the SEATO plan, and reorganizing the Army structure to include an increase in strength to 170,000. ISA Memorandum for Record, 15 May 1957 1103
279. Progress is reported in developing a representative government in Vietnam. Executive leadership is strong but effective counter measures against non-violent communist subversion remains a priority requirement NSC Planning Board Meeting, 26 November 1957 1108
280. The NSC considers a progress report on U.S. policy on mainland Southeast Asia (NSC 5612/1) which is essentially the same as the Planning Board report. 347th NSC Meeting, 5 December 1957 1111
281. NSC 5809 reaffirms that the national independence of Southeast Asia is important to the security interests of the United States. NSC 5809 contains draft revisions of NSC 5612/1. A statement of policy on the special situation in North Vietnam is included which continues to treat the Viet Minh as not constituting a legitimate government. NSC 5809, 2 April 1958 1113
282. In general, the U.S. is achieving its objectives in Vietnam. Major problems which exist consist of the continued dependence on foreign aid, political and security problems of the Diem Government. Both military and economic assistance will be reduced in FY 58 and FY 59, compared to FY 57. OCB Report on Southeast Asia, 28 May 1958 1134
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