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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


flag forces either as a part of a bi-lateral U. S.-G.V.N. defense agreement or as a fulfillment of U.S.-SEATO obligations. In this event, it is considered desirable to deploy to either Tourane or Nha Trang a tailored, composite joint task force specially designed for carrying out a counter guerrilla-civic action-limited war mission in South Vietnam. In the absence of intelligence indications of an overt attack on the G.V.N., it is contemplated that this composite force would be deployed throughout the country in small "task force" units on specific mission assignments of a counter-guerrilla or civic action nature. For example, combat engineer troops would undertake priority road and airfield construction in preparation for their possible military use by U.S. or other allied forces, but which would also be of long term benefit to the Vietnamese economy. Similarly, mobile medical teams would travel throughout the area providing help and assistance to rural G.V.N. villages and to the mountain tribes. As needed, truck-borne water purification units will assist in areas where water pollution presents a serious health problem. These small specialized "task forces" working jointly with similar units in the Vietnam armed forces would not only give concrete evidence of U.S. willingness to commit its military strength in a combined effort with the G.V.N. to defend South Vietnam against Communist domination, but would also demonstrate that while in the country, they will make a positive contribution to the civil and economic needs of the local population.