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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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1946 – 1950

Event Description Outcome
Accord of 6 March 1946 Agreement signed by Ho Chi Minh with French provides that:

  1. France recognizes DRV as: "Free State ... forming part of the Indochina Federation and the French Union."
  2. DRV welcomes French Army into Tonkin for 5 years.
  3. Further negotiations to spell out details for DRV independence.
  1. Led to French occupation of Tonkin Delta.
  2. No significant step taken by France toward DRV autonomy.
First Dalat Conference, 19 April – 11 May 1946 French and DRV delegates attempt to negotiate differences, but are able to enact only minor agreements on cultural and educational matters.
  1. Overshadowed by continuing guerrilla war in Cochinchina.
  2. A commission was set up to arrange an armistice; futile.
Establishment of Provisional Government of Cochinchina, 1 June 1946 French announce formation of an independent Cochinchina within the Indochina Federation and the French Union.
  1. Touched off new wave of guerrilla war in South Vietnam.
  2. Possibility of divided Vietnam pressured DRV in negotiations with France; stiffened DRV attitudes.
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