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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

TOP SECRET – Sensitive

Event Description Outcome
Fontainbleau Conference, 6 July – 10 September 1946 Formal negotiations in France between DRV delegation headed by Ho Chi Minh and second-rank French officials leads to no agreement on any substantive issue. DRV delegation withdrew in protest over convening of Second Dalat Conference (below), resumed talks, then acceded to adjournment without progress.
Second Dalat Conference, 1 August 1946 Conference among French, Cochinchinese, Laotians, Cambodians, Montaguards of Annam:
  1. Announces formation of "federal states" under French High Commissioner.
  2. Denounces DRV delegation at Fontainbleau as unrepresentative.
  3. Cambodians and Cochinchinese move for direct representation in French Union and abroad, but French refuse.
  1. Caused breakdown of Fontainbleau Conference.
  2. Erected new facade of federation, but led to no significant political concessions by French.
Franco-DRV Modus Vivendi, 14 September 1946 After DRV delegation departed from Fontainbleau, Ho Chi Minh signs agreement with France which provides, effective 30 March 1946:
  1. Reciprocal rights for citizens.
  2. Reciprocal property rights and restoration seized French property in Vietnam.
  3. Piastre related to franc.
  4. Customs union and free trade within Indochina Federation.
  5. Armistice Commission to deal with guerilla war in Cochinchina.
  6. Referendum to decide Cochinchina's relationship to DRV.
  7. France-DRV talks to resume in January, 1947.
  1. Led to some release of prisoners, and lull in guerrilla operations.
  2. No substantial French political concessions eventuated.