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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011

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Event Description Outcome
"Incidents" at Haiphong, Langson, and Tourane, November, 1946 Local disputes lead to clashes between French and DRV troops.
  1. French seized unilateral control over Haiphong and Langson.
  2. French reinforcements landed at Tourane in violation of March 6 Accord.
Hanoi Incident, 19 December 1946 Large-scale conflict begins, spreads throughout Vietnam. Complete breakdown of relations between France and DRV
Declaration of the Freedom of Cochinchina, 4 February 1947 French High Commissioner extends powers of the Saigon Government to include:
  1. Legislative and executive action on all internal affairs.
  2. Universal suffrage for election of legislature.
  1. President Le Van Hoach of Cochinchina admitted Viet Minh controlled greater part of Cochinchina.
  2. Elections repeatedly postponed because of civil disorder.
First Ha Long Bay Agreement, 7 December 1947
  1. Bao Dai associates himself with French-sponsored nationalist movement.
  2. French promise in vague terms national independence for Vietnam.
  1. French took no action toward releasing their control in Vietnam.
  2. Bao Dai withdrew to Europe.
  3. Agreement condemned by non-Viet Minh nationalists; e.g., Ngo Dinh Diem.
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