Page:Personal beauty how to cultivate and preserve it in accordance with the laws of health (1870).djvu/94

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let run their course, hastened by a light poultice of slippery-elm bark. Those persons who suffer from a constant recurrence of them, one after another, should seek medical advice, as they require constitutional treatment.

A much more serious disfigurement is, when the margin of the eyelid inclines inward, or, what is worse, turns inside out. The latter is called "ectropion," and presents a most unsightly spectacle. It can only be remedied by a surgical operation.

Sometimes a portion of the skin of the nose projects over the inner angles of the eyes, imparting a coarse look to the face. Here, too, the knife of the surgeon is the only means that promises any relief.

Half-closed eyes occasionally arise from a difficulty of raising the upper lids. This is an obstinate and troublesome nervous complaint, and is not to be escaped by simple procedures.

Many a lady is disgusted with herself after a night at a ball-room or some unusual watching, or at certain periodical seasons, to find a dark blue line beneath her eyes, the sure indication of excessive excitement of the system. Gladly would she avail herself of any simple means to conceal it. We shall tell her, in confidence, how it may be done.

In London and Paris, where wild young clerks are apt to acquire a black eye occasionally in their nocturnal rambles, which might cost them their positions