Tables for London, 406–411; explanations of, 429–431; for Cranbrook, 419–421; for Dublin, 486–489; for Romsey, 412–415; for Tiverton, 416–418.
Tadpole, John, brings in the bills in Dublin, 480.
Tallow exported from Ireland, 296, 595, 609.
Tangier, 111, 116, 302.
Tartary, Chinese emperor's journey to, 508.
Tate, Nahum, 126.
Taxes, Petty's interest in, lxix; his tax system, lxxii; his Treatise of Taxes, 1–97; cost of collection, 21; taxes in kind, 21, 35, 81, 190, 191, 277; unequal, 32, 37, 62, 104, 114; shifting of, 36, 39, 80, 81; several sorts of, 38–47; their advantages, 115; may increase wealth, 268–271; ways of levying, 111, 112, 301; farming disapproved, 301; are great, 242; proportion to income, 91, 189; indirect, 103 n.
Teeming women, number of in London, 384, 385.
Teeth, death of children due to, 349.
Telescopes at Gresham College, xlvii, 358.
Telling of Noses, a calculation by Petty, xxxi n., 461 n.
Temple, Sir William, serves with Petty on a committee on the trade of Ireland, xxvi n.; plans to remodel Irish Privy Council, xxviii; on the Irish farm, xxix; mentioned, 212.
Tennis, 244,
Tenths, meaning of, 77.
Territory, relation of to wealth and strength of a country, 249–256; of the King of England increased, 302.
Test, Commons address to James II. on the, 631 n.
Thames makes London great, 42; more navigable than the Seine, 530.
Theatres, public, 83; are magnificent, 243.
Thermometer, 170 .
Thievery, cause of, 189; prevention of, 474, 475; in Ireland, 202.
Thorpe, Thomas, lviii, 123, 237.
Thring, Jacob, registrar of Dublin, 421.
Thrush, death of children due to, 349.
Thunen, Johann Heinrich von, lxv.
Timber, cost of, 624; decay of, 294; exported from Ireland, 595; of the Baltic, worked in Holland, 258.
Tin, English, 55, 258, 296, 445, 596; as money, 84, 445.
Tithes, 77–82; no tax, 80, 81; alienation of, 24, 25; incidence of, 39; certainty of, 264, 265; from dissenters, 72; in cities, 78; in Ireland, 139, 609.
Titles, Petty's opinion of, xxviii–xxix.
Tituladoes, 63.
Tipperary, palatinate-court in, 163; surveyed, 177.
Tiverton, plague at, 417 n.; typhus at, 418 n.; a table for, 416, 418; mentioned, 317, 399, 400.
Tobacco, from America, 296; cheapness of, 275; in Ireland, 83, 188, 189, 191, 192, 563, 575, 596, 609.
Token money, 84.
Tolls, 83.
Tongue exported from Ireland, 594.
Tonnage, a name for customs, 57, 77.
Tools, value of, 182.
Toulouse, population of, 540.
Tower Hill, 31.
Town lands, 206, 207.
Trade, the way to wealth, 194, 250–255; flourishes among the heterodox, 263, 264; procures treasure, 269; prohibition of, 299; centres in certain streets, 473; is always quick somewhere, 259; need of knowing it, 34, 53; increase of, 304; alleged decay of, 242; trade of the world, value of, 295, 311; of Europe, 257; of England and France, 295–297; of Ireland, 188–198; Report upon, 211–223; to be restored, 221.
Trades, History of written by Petty, xv, lxiv, 118 n., 653.
Trained bands, a gentle tax; numbers of, 385.
Train oil exported from Ireland, 596.