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Transplantation, 6, 137, 555, 556, 561, 574, 655–657.

Transportation of people, cost of, 559.

Travel, expense of, 474.

Treachery of Irish, 202.

Treacle, 93.

Treasure. See Silver.

Treatise, A, of Ireland, 545–621; its purpose, lxi.

Treatise of Naval Philosophy, Petty writes, xxii n., 648.

Treatise of Taxes and Contributions, by Petty, 1–97; its occasion, lxi; importance, lxx; Latin words in it, xlviii, xlix; reprinted, 237, 634–637.

Tree planting, 29.

Trent, river, 161.

Tresor trouvé, 55.

Trinity College, Dublin, 165, 237.

Trinity in the Minories included within the bills of mortality, lxxxv; a small parish, 382.

Turf for fuel in Ireland, 192.

Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques, and Petty on interest, lxxiv.

Turkey, government of, 20; dye-stuffs of, 258; merchants in, 263; buys English lead and tin, 442, 445.

Turks may overrun England, 42.

Turnips, 251.

Twentieth, a tax, 84; a name for customs, 77.

Two Essays in Political Arithmetick, by Petty, 501–513, 643.

Two's, an Irish land measure, 207.

Typhus at Tiverton, 418 n.

Tyrconnel, Richard Talbot, earl of, commander-in-chief in Ireland, xxxi, 546, 577 n., 589, 616.

Ulster, surveyed, 177; value of lands in, 178, 606.

Undermasting of ships, 261.

Uniformity difficult to preserve, 263.

Union of England and Ireland, 159, 161, 162, 219–221, 298, 301, 567.

Universities, charge of, 19, 26, 28.

Ushant, 279, 573.

Utrecht, Petty, in, xiv.

Usury. See Interest.

Value, Petty's theory of, lxxiii; origin of, 51; natural and artificial, 90; intrinsic and extrinsic, 625, 626; equalizing of, 43, 44. See Land, People.

Venice, government of, 40; merchants, 263; population, 538–540.

Verbiest, Ferdinand, 502.

Verbum Sapienti, by Petty, 99–120; discussed, lxi, lxx, Ixxi; mentioned, 128, 132, 134.

Venner, Thomas, 71.

Vernon, colonel, 136.

Vesalius, read by Petty, xiv.

Virginia, 285, 302.

Vox populi, 605.

Wages, Petty's theory of, lxxiv; must be certain, 52; limited by law, 20; relation of to price of food, 274 n.; raising of money a tax upon, 87; of artizans, 564, maidservants, 305; seamen and husbandmen, 259; English are triple Irish, 592.

Wales, union of with England, 161. See England and Wales.

Wallis, John, xxi.

War, expense of, 18; causes of, 21, 22; the power of making, 301; is the fire of hell, 81.

Ward, Seth, Bishop of Salisbury, xl.

Watches, apparent irregular movement of, xlvii, 358.

Watchmaking, division of labour in, 473.

Water carriage in England and in France, 293, 294.

Watling Street has lost its trade, 381.

Watkins, Richard, xv n.

Wax exported from Ireland, 596.

Wealth, its amount, lxx, Ixxi, 51, 105–108, 117.

Wealth, its nature: the effect of past labour, 110; hands its father, lands its mother, lxxi, 68, 371; universal and local, 147, 295; perishable and durable, 259; relation of to income, lxxiii; consists chiefly in foreign trade, 295; domestic wealth, 196–197;