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Captain Webb, or any three of them, bee and they are hereby appointed a committee to conferr with the said Dr Petty concerning the same; and they, or any three or more of them as afforesaid, are to examine by the best wayes they can into the trueth of the originall ffield bookes and plotts relateing thereunto in the said Drs custody; they are alsoe to enquire into the true performance of the exact method and keeping the said field bookes, and such otherway as they shall conceive fitt for the better examining and checqueing the worke, either by joyning the common lines of severall mens workes, by reprotracting each line and angle according to the originall ffield bookes, or by comparing of each surround with the abstracts and catalogues of lands to be surveyed; they are to cast up and recast the contents of every surround, and in such parts as they may conceive exspedient for exsperimenting the truth of the said Drs undertaking; and to make the best discovery they can of the perfection of the said admeasurement and satisfactoriness thereoff; and likewise to observe what imperfect worke hath been made and rejected. And the said committee are desired to sitt uppon this business de die in diem, soe as they may report their proceedings, to this board by Thuesday next, being the 18th of this instant moneth, or before, if possible; the speciall care hereof being recommended to Major Morgan.

Dublyn Castle, the 11th of March, 1655.
Tho. Herbert, Clerke of the Councill.

The which order was corroborated with the other order following, that Mr. Worseley might miss of noe opportunity to trye the performance most effectually.

By His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

Whereas, by an order of this board, Major Morgan and others are appointed as a committee to consider of the downe survey of the forfeited lands in Ireland undertaken to bee admeasured by Dr William Petty, whereof a particular accompt hath been by the said Doctor tendered unto this board accordingly, as alsoe what they found uppon the perusall thereof concerning the truth of his proceedings therein, and of the satisfactoriness thereof for publicke use, according to contracts:

Itt is now further ordered, that the Surveyor-Generall of lands doe, accord-