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ing to the duty of his place, attend there in the behalfe of His Highness and the Commonwealth.

Dublyn Castle, 13th of March, 1655.
Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

The which two orders were answered with the following report:

To His Highness the Lord Protectors Councill for the Affaires of Ireland.

In obedience to your Lordshipps reference, bearing date the 11th of March, 1655, wee have mett and considered of the matter therein contained, and have proceeded as followeth:

1st. Wee have considered the ability of the persons imployed in the field worke.

2dly. The instructions given them.

3dly. The method of the ffeild bookes.

4thly. The way of protracting and casting upp.

5thly. What checques were appointed for the said worke.

In examination of the first head, vizt, the abilityes of the persons imployed in the ffield worke, wee find that many of the persons who were therein imployed were persons who till that time had never been imployed in a worke of that nature, and not able to protract their owne worke, but only delivered up their field bookes to bee protracted and cast up by others.

To the 2d head, touching the instructions given, wee doe not find them short of the instructions required by the contract twixt the Commonwealth and Dr Petty.

To the third, vizt, the method of the ffield bookes, wee find the method suitable to the performance of a worke of this nature.

To the 4th head, vizt, the way of protracting and casting up, we find that where such persons were imployed who could not protract their owne worke, others were imployed with them, to receive their ffield bookes and protract their worke in their presence.

To the fifth head, vizt, what cheques were appointed for the foregoing worke, we find that eight persons, whose ability wee have examined, doe offer to depose uppon oath that they were employed as comptrollers of the foregoing worke, by yearly salary; and that, to the best of their care, skill, and knowledge,