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allsoe the names of the lands subducted out of the same, either uppon the accompt of decrees for constant good affection, compositions, private grants, and incumbrances of any kind whatsoever, and consequently contayning an accompt of what lands are neat and cleerely disposeable for the adventurers satisfaction, together with an accompt of what lands the adventurers have assumed of themselves, and by their owne particular survey and rules of distribution, in satisfaction of their respective debts, and withall on account how the lands now found uppon a more view disposeable are to bee distributed, pursuant to the more perfect rule of distribution hereafter to be framed, in pursuance of this present declaration and petition. And lastly, of the finall distribution and settlement of all the said lands, according to the former or future wayes of distribution, and according to such exspedients of reconciliation and private agreement which may happen to cause alterations in either of the said methods of disposure, desiring your Lordshipps to contribute whatsoever is necessary on your Lordshipps part, as mapps, &c., towards the making and compleating the said books and accompts.

5thly. When the debt and creditt of the adventurers is ascertained in manner afforesaid, both in generall and allsoe uppon every particular province, county, and barony, and that thereuppon an accompt is made exspressing what barronyes are deficient and what have a surplus, they desire and propound, that in order to repaire the one and with the other impartially, and according to all or any the provisoes of the Act of Parliament in that behalfe made, that it may distinctly bee determined by lott which province, county, and barrony shall suceed each other; that thereuppon two distinct lysts, the one of all the deficient barronyes, the other of all the surplusage barronyes, may be drawne forth; and the barronyes contayned in each may bee placed in such order of priority as by the said lott is or shall bee determined. And it is further desired and propounded that the barronyes of the county of Lowth, except the barony of Atherdee, bee added to the afforesaid list of redundant barronyes, each of them in such order of sequence as by lott shall be determined.

6thly. Itt is humbly propounded, that if any surplusage shall appeare uppon the afforesaid lyst of redundant barronyes, the county of Lowth being soe comprehended, the same may bee cutt of uppon the last barronyes of the said list; and that such generall surplusage may be withheld from disposure to the army, for some reasonable time to be agreed uppon, wherein your petitioners may