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( 238 )

make out what reall damages they have received by errors in your Lordshipps said survey, which they have conditionally submitted unto as afforesaid, either as to the quantity, quality, or title of the land by them accepted according to the said survey, to the end they may have due reparation for the same out of the reserved surplusage lands, as to your Lordshipps shall seeme just.

7thly. The satisfaction of the adventurers as to the whole being thus regulated, itt is further humbly proposed as followeth, vizt:

1st. They desire that deficient barronyes may bee repaired out of the redundant barronyes, one after another, according to the paralellisme of the two above mentioned lists of deficient and redundant barronyes; that is to say, that the first deficient barronies may be repaired owt of the first redundant baronies, and soe downewards, untill all the deficient barronyes bee compleatly satisfied out of soe many of the first redundant barronyes, as they stand in the order of the above said lists, as shall suffice for the same.

2dly. Forasmuch as there hath been allready made by the comittee of adventurers severall rules for distributing of barronies to the particular allottees and individuall persons contained therein, your petitioners doe humbly exsplaine the chiefe of the said rules, as followeth, vizt: Where it is said that a barrony shall bee divided into quarters, itt is to be understood that all the lands, both profitable and unprofitable, forfeited and unforfeited, comprehended within the true outline of every such barrony, bee divided into four equall parts, as neer as may bee, whether the same be done by lines of different position, as by north and south lines, and east and west lines together; or by paralell lines and such as are of the same position, whether they beare north and south, or east and west, or uppon any other point only. And whereas the said divisionall lines, being intended to bee streight, may probably cutt many denominations into two parts, your petitioners, desiring that entire denominations may bee preserved as much as possible, doe exsplaine themselves, that they intend that on which side soever of the afforesaid quartering line the gratest part of any denomination falleth, that the whole denomination shall be reputed and deemed to lye entirely on that side of the said quartering line. Both which exsplanations your petitioners humbly desire may bee applyed to the matter of subquartering, where any such thing hath been agreed uppon.

3dly. And to the end there may bee certaine rules where such rules are not allready for passing from the first denomination, which soever the same bee, to