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sage lands shall accompt for and pay the same to such persons to whome such lands shall bee allotted and certifyed, their reasonable charges being thereout first deducted.

12thly. That such adventurers as shall be removed out of any deficient barrony into a surplusage barrony may have the like preceedure, priority, and succession to each other in such surplusage barronyes as they should have enjoyed in the said deficient barronyes.

13thly. And your petitioners doe further humbly acquaint your Lordshipps that they doe thinke convenient, and have agreed and resolved, that there be a leavy of three halfe pence uppon every Irish acre, profitable and unprofitable, for which the respective adventurers shall have their ultimate particular alottments certifyed, together with mapps attested by the Surveyor-Generall, and orders of the Councill for possession, to be paid by the respective adventurers unto Dr William Petty, att the time when such particular allottments, orders, and mapps, shall bee attested and issued, and not before; and that a farthing of every the said three halfe pence be paid by the said Dr William Petty, from time to time, as the same shall come in, to such treasurer or treasurers as this committee shall appoint, for and towards all charges incident to the adventurers settlement in England; and that one other farthing thereof bee for the clerks of the Councell, Surveyor-Generall, and publique Register in Ireland, for their paines and care about the adventurers affaires; the said public Register causing the premisses and the particular allotting and setting out unto said respective adventurers of their shares and proportions, according to the Act in that behalfe, to bee recorded or registered, and attesting the same accordingly: which wee desire your Lordshipps to order according to our said desire.

Grocers Hall,
17th September, 1658.
Signed in the name and by order of
the said committee,
Jo. Mosyer

May it please your Excellency and Lordshipps,

The committee of adventurers, having received your Lordshipps letter of the 7th of May last, doe deeply acknowledge your Lordshipps very great favour in offering to contribute your utmost help towards the settlement and satisfaction of the said adventurers, and that in order thereunto, and as a further pledge thereoff, your Lordshipps have been pleased to send over Dr Petty, to conferr