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with them touching the persons by whome, the place where, and the meanes how, according to rule, the finall settlement of the adventurers may bee accomplished; which good intention of your Lordshipps, after many debates uppon the contents of the said letter, and the communication thereoff to the body of adventurers at four severall meetings, was received with soe much contentment as hath begotten such an encrease of confidence in your Excellency and the Lords of the Councill in Ireland, that they doe by and with our selves hereby returne your Lordshipps humble thanks for the same. Moreover, wee have, in answer to your Lordshipps said letter, herewith sent a petition and declaration, with some additions and exsplanations thereuppon agreed unto by this committee, to bee presented to your Lordshipps, as the substance of what they have, after many weekes debate among themselves, and with freedome to all adventurers and others who desired to bee present, and after the printing thereoff, and four severall meetings of the body of adventurers, thought most conducing to the ends of your Lordshipps said letter, and in particular to answer that part thereof which concernes the persons, place, and meanes of transacting the said adventurers settlement; withall humbly acquainting your Lordshipps that whereas the said committee (as by the first preparation of the said petition and declaration may appeare) did intend to pray your Lordshipps that the transactions of the said affaire might bee by the Commissioners, some of them to bee nominated by your Lordshipps, and others by the said committee, but to bee all approved by your Lordshipps, the said committee doe now pray, that, instead of all the said Commissioners, Dr Petty alone may bee authorized and approved of by your Lordshipps, to act as well in behalfe of your Lordshipps as the adventurers, as a person best able to give the business a dispatch; which wee the rather desire, for that such of our number as have been most unsatisfyed with the petition and declaration are yett most abundantly satisfyed with and first moved the choice of the said Dr Petty, as the sole trustee or commissioner therein, uppon whose ability and integrity as your Lordshipps have deservedly placed great remarks of your respects, both in your generall and speciall employments of him, soe wee cannot but, uppon our owne exsperience of his worth and accomplishments, repose in him, under your Lordshipps, the sole trust of the said adventurers settlement. And wee doe further represent unto your Lordshipps, that least what the said committee have soe prepared and herewith sent may possibly not bee soe absolutely ne-