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setting out lands (of which the said Doctor was one) did beare date the 20th of May, 1656, and that any satisfaction hath been made him for his service in that employment appeares not, which is humbly submitted by

Your Lordshipps obedient Servants,

Vin. Gookin. Ra. King.
Edw. Roberts. Rob. Jeoffreyes.

Dated the 3rd of March, 1658.

The next day those four who did signe itt came in person to justifie itt, and vivâ voce to answer the objections made against it; and the Dr himselfe petitions to have the benefit of itt, which petition of his was reincountred by the following petition of the said three refusers.

to his excellency the lord lieutenant of ireland and their lordshipps of the councill there.

The humble Petition of Dr William Petty,


That your petitioner hath been damnifyed for serving as a Commissioner for setting out to the army (as by the annexed report appeareth) the summe of 3698li, besides many other inconveniences.

Hee therfore humbly prays a due reparation thereof, and such reward for his said service as to your Lordshipps shall seeme just.

And he shall pray.Wm. Petty.

to his excellency the lord lieutenant and the right honourable the councill.

The humble Petition of the Committee of Officers intrusted by the Army for their Arreares,


That your petitioners, being ordered by your Lordshipps reference to consider of the allegations in an adresse of Dr William Petty, represented unto this board by the Comissioners for setting forth of lands to the army, for further satisfaction of a debt of 6800li, which he, the said Dr, alleadgeth to bee due to him, your petitioners did accordingly meet with the rest, and by reason wee could not come to find out what was remaining due to him without respecting what