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satisfaction he hath allready received, and by what orders, and finding, uppon the papers and orders by him produced, your Lordshipps had still a tender respect that neither the Commonwealth nor the army should bee prejudiced by any his said satisfactions, wee find that the satisfaction he hath received doeth very much tend to the prejudice of both, which hath occasioned our not signing the report.

Your petitioners, therefore, humbly pray that your Lordshipps would be pleased to grant them a further time to draw up their exceptions, wherein will appeare the illegality and irregularity of his proceedings in his former satisfaction, before any further satisfaction be given to the said Doctor.

And your petitioners shall pray.
Ric. Lawrence.
Hen. Fflower. Edw. Warren.

Which petition was answered by the Councill as followeth:

The petitioners are to attend the board uppon Munday morning next, to pursue and make good the allegation in the within petition mentioned. 4th of March, 58/9.

Tho. Herbert, Clerk of the Councill.

The said officers being backward, as wanting the causes of their exceptions, and exspecting intelligence from their confederates, the Dr, to quicken them, presents the following petition.

to his excellency the lord lieutenant and councill.

The humble Petition of Dr William Petty


That allthough the assembly of officers mett at Dublyn in December last were noe representatives of all the officers and souldiers concerned in arreares, nor doeth it appeare how farr Collonell Lawrence, &c., represent the said assembly, and allthough it can be made appeare that the proceedings now in hand are not for regulation of generall abuses and augmenting the armyes security, but out of designe to mine and disgrace your petitioner, and allthough