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Churches, &c., to be noted. See Towns.

Circumferenters. See Instruments.

Civil survey and abstracts, 389; delay in supply of, 121, 319.

——— Lewis Smith's description of, of Kerry, 100.

——— shows less land than Down Survey, 72.

——— specimen sheet of, 394.

Claims, committee of, for settlement of adventurers' lands. See Committee of Adventurers sitting at Grocers' Hall.

Clanmorris, 95.

Clanwilliam; no survey of, 57.

Clare, lands in, to be set out to parties whose lands may be assigned to Gen. Monke, 224.

Clerke, George, 243, 249.

——— John, 31, 243.

Clerks, of council, surveyor-general, and register, allowed ¼d. per acre by committee sitting at Grocers' Hall, for their trouble in distributing surplusage lands, 247.

Clonliske, survey of, 62.

Cockayne, T., 19.

Colby, Gen., superintendent of ordnance survey, foresight and arrangements of, 314.

——— instructions of, and those of Dr. Petty, 324. See also Ordnance Survey.

Collins, Ffrancis, 243.

——— William, ib.

Collyer, Benjamin, ib.

Commissioners of Commonwealth of England for affairs of Ireland, 4.

——— lands in controversy, survey or inquiry of, to be made by, 6; committee appointed, 43, 321.

——— appointed for distribution of lands, proceedings of, 185, 319, 337, 340.

——— queries put by, to Council, as to how they should act in certain doubtful or difficult cases, 195.

Commissioners, above queries referred to agents of the army, 196.

——— to hear complaints, after distribution of lands, 198.

——— duties of Dr. Petty and of the other commissioners, 207.

——— Dr. Petty's defence of, in the House of Commons, 296.

——— appointed by committee of adventurers at Grocers' Hall, for settlement of adventurers' lands in Ireland, 235.

——— above superseded, and Dr. Petty alone appointed, 247, 248.

——— for carrying out instructions under Act of Settlement, 348.

——— to consider how the survey may be expeditiously and cheaply executed, 4, 313, 319.

——— report of, on above, 4—8.

Committee for surveys, proceedings of, 13.

——— Dr. Petty's remarks on report, 7—10, 313.

——— for removal of obstructions to the progress of the survey, and to determine all controversies, 43, 321, 389; report from, 46.

——— to examine into debentures of soldiers who deserted, &c., before 1649, 70, 74.

——— for examination of survey, 107, 111.

——— of adventurers sitting at Grocers' Hall, Dr. Petty to proceed to, and confer with, on the subject of the final settlement of the adventurers, 228, 339; propositions made by Dr. Petty to committee of adventurers, 230, 232, 318; result of interview, 233. See also 353, &c.

——— replies and proposals of, to Lord Deputy and council, delivered to Dr. Petty in London, 236—248, 330, 340.

——— thank council for sending Dr. Petty over, 248; above protested against, 249, 341; Lord Lieutenant