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and council appoint Dr. Petty to arrange same with adventurers, 252, 330; legal opinions on above, 252; and as to whether they are comprehended in Act of 1656, 252, 256.

Committee appointed by council for settlement of arrears to the army yet unsatisfied; to act with seven persons named by parties interested, 266. Seven officers nominated to act as above; Dr. Petty's opinion of each, 267. Dr. Petty proposed other parties, who were nominated accordingly, 268. They petition for parchment and clerks, to make the book of distribution, 270.

——— of Irish affairs, 398.

Commons, names of persons having commonage, with proportion belonging to each to be given, 48.

Compsy. See Slevardagh.

Connaught, distribution of land to disbanded forces in, 73, 74, 319.

——— lands exempted from the Irish for garrisons, plantations near the sea, &c., in. See Mile-line.

——— value of lands in; wood, bog, &c.. to be thrown in, 337.

——— and Tipperary, a well-planted and accommodated country, 16, 316.

——— Strafford's survey only detailed survey of; all of which was burned in 1711, 325.

——— West, description of, by O' Flaherty, 348.

Contracts for survey made by Dr. Petty, 63.

Contract and bond given for performance of Down Survey, taking up of, 166, 167, 171, 172, 179, 180, 181, 183.

Conway, Phil., 154, 155.

Cooke, Justice, 39.

Coolestowne, survey of, 62.

Coot, Chudley, 12, 13, 164, 180.

Coot, Sir Charles, 10, 12, 13, 30, 70, 74, 164, 165, 180, 196, 204, 206, 265, 346.

——— Thomas, 265.

Corbett, Miles, 23, 141, 143, 166, 317, 333.

Cork, 107, 108, 183, 356, 368.

——— 1d. per acre to Dr. Petty for survey of lands in, 103, 107, 332.

——— contents of baronies in examined, in surveyor-general's office, 137.

——— quantity of profitable, unprofitable, Church and Crown lands, and commonage in, 142, 144—146.

——— distribution of land to disbanded forces in, 73.

——— lands reserved in, for his Highness and the Commonwealth, 150.

——— rents in, 77.

——— House, situation of, in Dublin, 317.

Corkaguiny, 94.

Corporation lands, survey of, 17.

Cox, Sir Richard, 333.

Cranagh, 89.

Cremorne, 92, 102.

Crispe, Nathaniel, 243.

Cromwell, Henry, 223, 229.

——— Lord Lieutenant; warrant of, to deduct 1d. per acre from army, for Dr. Petty, 160.

——— Oliver, Lord Protector, change of government sought on death of, and attempt to injure family of, 258, 342.

Crowder, Thomas, 244.

Crown and Church lands, survey of, 17, 23, 25, 27, 47, 143, 147, 313, 316.

——— to be admeasured into plowlands, townlands, and cartrons, 27, 318.

——— abstracts of, not furnished, until forfeited lands were surveyed, 121.

Cudmore, Paul, 165.