Page:Philochristus, Abbott, 1878.djvu/260

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That night, while we tarried in Cæsarea, Juda murmured greatly against Jesus, saying that he was not wont before to speak of a congregation but always of a kingdom: "Wherefore," said he, "my mind misgiveth me lest our Master, becoming desperate of his former purpose to set up a kingdom, should now have determined within himself to found no kingdom but only a new sect." But one made answer and said that it was written in the Psalms that the Congregation of Saints should praise the Lord, having "a two-edged sword in their hands, to be avenged of the heathen," wherefore naught hindered but that in the time to come Israel should be both a nation of conquerors and a congregation of saints. And to this we all agreed.

Notwithstanding Quartus saith that, albeit Judas erred in saying that our Master despaired of his former purpose, yet was this day a great day, and as it were a day of decision in the life of our Master upon earth. For though Jesus swerved never from his course, but ever, even from the first, had in his thoughts a kingdom of heaven and not of earth, howsoever it might be manifested in earth; yet, saith Quartus, somewhat seemeth to have been at this time revealed to our Master touching the visible shape wherein that heavenly kingdom of God should appear to the children of men; and that word of the Lord which came to Jesus at the first when the Scribes and Pharisees rejected him, and afterwards came more clearly when John the Prophet was slain with the sword, behold, that same word of the Lord came now most clearly of all in the faith of Simon Peter, saying that the suffering Messiah and not the triumphing Messiah was to draw all men unto himself.

Therefore belike it was now revealed that the Kingdom of heaven should not appear on earth with any such visible deliverance as the deliverance of Moses; nor with con-