Page:Philosophical Review Volume 2.djvu/769

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Ideas, General, (s) 480.
Impulse, Theory of, from a Deterministic Standpoint, (b) 747.
Imagination, and its Varieties among Children, (r) 92; Analytic and Synthetic, (b) 122.
Inductive Inquiry, Methods of, (s) 603.
Infinite, The Problem of the, (s) 743.
Intellection, Sensation and, (b) 634.
Intellectual Functions, Moral Deficiencies as Determining, (s) 615.


Jowett, His Translation of Plato's Dialogues, (b) 450, (r) 466.
Judgment, and Resemblance, (s) 741; Descartes' Doctrine of, (s) 371; Kant's Kritik of, (r) 79.
Jurisprudence and Ethics, (b) 383.


Kant, and Locke, Epistemology in, (a) 167; His Theory of Things-in-Themselves, (s) 617; The Sources and Development of his Teleology, (b) 249; His Critical Problem, (a) 129; His Kritik of Judgment (tr. Bernard), (r) 79; Lexicon, (b) 636; Works by, (a) 261; Works on, (a) 426, 557, 690.
Kantian Philosophy, an Obscure Moment in, (s) 736.
Knowledge, The General Character of, (s) 620. See also Epistemology.


Labyrinth, The, and Sensations of Space, (s) 482, 608.
Lambert, J. H.: A Study in the Development of the Critical Philosophy, (a) 54.
Law, Its Concept in Ethics, (a) 33, (b) 117; Transformations of, (s) 504; Jurisprudence and the Philosophy of, (b) 383.
Laws of Human Feeling, (b) 251, (r) 336, 594.
Leibniz as a Jurist and Moral Philosopher, (b) 748; His Theory of Monads, A New Exposition of, (r) 710.
Life, On the Origin of Terrestrial, (s) 742.
Locke, and Kant, Epistemology in, (a) 167; And the Cambridge School, (r) 472.
Logic, An Introduction to General, (r) 81; Reformed, (b) 377.
Lotze's Antithesis between Thought and Things, (s) 110.


Measurement, Mental, (a) 316; Psychological, (a) 677.
Memory, The Musical, (s) 232.
Mental, Science in the Seventeenth Century, (s) 244, 622; Measurement, (a) 316.
Metaphysics, and Asceticism, (s) 368, 494; And Morals, (s) 365; And Psychology, (a) 513; Essay on some Problems of, (s) 497.
Method, Philosophic, Old and New in, (a) 641.
Mesmerism, Hypnotism and the New Witchcraft, (b) 626.
Middle Ages, Contributions to the History of the Philosophy of, (r) 88.
Monism, Hindu, (s) 112.
Moral Instruction of Children, (r) 86; Moral Training, Certain Psychological Aspects of, (s) 614; Moral Deficiencies as Determining Intellectual Functions, (s) 615.
Morality, Infra- and Supra-, (s) 103; Its Relation to Religion, (s) 735; Philanthropy and, (s) 107; Hopelessness of, (b) 252; Æsthetic Element in, (b) 499; Can Economics Furnish an Objective Standard for Morality? (s) 737.
Morals, and Metaphysics, (s) 365; And Social Questions, (s) 239, 362; Sociability and, among Animals, (s) 486; Hume's Treatise of (Hyslop), (b) 372.
Motor Ability, Development of Voluntary, (s) 356.
Münsterberg, His Contributions to Experimental Psychology, (r) 218.
Music, Memory for, (s) 232; And the Laws of Psychology, (s) 238.
Musical Faculties, Their Trouble in Aphasia, (s) 96.