Page:Philosophical Review Volume 2.djvu/770

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Nature. The Interpretation of, (b) 630; The Principles of (r) 212; Evolution and Man’s Place in, (b) 382, (r) 463.
Necessity. The Idea of, its Basis and Scope, (s) 108; The Superstituion of, (s) 488.
Neo-Kantianism, The Epistemology of, (r) 293.
Neo-Platonic Biographies of Aristotle, (s) 743.
Number, Its Concept among the Pythagoreans and Eleatics, (s) 492.


Optics — Color Sensations in Indirect Vision, (s) 481; Binocular Effects of Monocular Stimuli, (s) 99.
Organic Movement, its Origin and Nature, (s) 733.


Painter, The Psychology of, (r) 590.
Pathology, of the Emotions, (r) 333; Of the Sexual Sensations, (b) 248; Of the Cerebellum, (r) 475.
Personality, The Alterations of, (b) 507.
Pessimism, Modern, (b) 508; In the Light of a Higher View of the World, (b) 374.
Pessimist, An Ancient, (a) 24.
Philanthropy and Morality, (s) 107.
Philosophic Method, Old and New in, (a) 641.
Philosophy, Nature and Aims of (s) 492; Historical Relations to Political Economy, (b) 510; Unity of, (s) 365; Causes of its decay, (b) 377; Future of, (b) 378; At the Chicago Exposition, (n) 124, 752; Of Religion, its Notion and Problem, (a) 1; Of the Beautiful, (b) 505; Of Middle Stoicism, (b) 121, (r) 221; First Steps in (Salter), (b) 120; Chief Problems of (Knauer), (r) 348; History of (Hegel’s Lectures), (b) 636; (Windelband), (b) 119; (Bergmann), (b) 116; Modern, History of (Burt), (b) 118, (r) 598; (Falckenberg), (b) 508; (Fischer), (r) 000; Mediaeval, History of (Baermker), (r) 88, (b) 121; Introduction to (Eitle), (b) 375; (Paulsen), (b) 113, (r) 207.
Pillon, His Philosophical Year for 1892, (b) 629.
Plato, The Dialogues of (Jowett), (r) 466.
Pleasure, The Sensation of (s) 729.
Politics, Ethics as (s) 240.
Propositions, Distinction between Real and Verbal, (s) 604.
Psychology, ‘Modern,’ (s) 351; Modern, Two Recent Criticisms of (d) 430; Modern, and Automatism, (s) 484; Experimental and Anthropometry, (n) 187, (n) 512; Experimental, Contributions to (Münsterberg), (r) 218; Introspection and Experiment in, (s) 353; Comparative,, Scope and Methods of, (s) 356; Music and the Laws of, (s) 238; Metaphysics and, (a) 513; Of the Time Sense, (s) 605; Of the Idea-Forces, (r) 716; Of the Painter, 590; Of Woman, (b) 252; Elements of (Baldwin), (b) 506; Introduction to Rational (Laurie), (b) 247; Lectures on Human and Animal (Wundt), (b) 119; Principles of Physiological (Wundt), (b) 637.
Pythagoreans, The, Their Concept of Number, (s) 492.


Reaction, Attention and (s) 611.
Reality, and Idealism, (d) 193, 202; The Problem of, (r) 477; Appearance and, (b) 750.
Relations between Ideas as Constitutive Element of Consciousness, (b) 746.
Religion, Genesis and Growth of, (r) 89; Evolution of, (b) 510; Of Science, (s) 738; Relation to Morality, (s) 735; Philosophy of, its Notion and Problem, (a) 1; Christian Apologetics, (b) 379; Guide to the Knowledge of God, (b) 381.