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[Vol. III.

908) Fundament, Ueber das — der gesammten Philosophie des Hrn.Kant. [By J. Ldf. Holst.] 8vo. Halle. Hendel. pp. 238. (A miserable performance. Kant's aim is said to have been the trampling under foot of enlightenment and the rights of reason, and the furtherance of a blind monastic belief. In general, there is adopted the same untenable position, midway between Rationalism and Empiricism, which we find in no. 820.)

909) Genz, F.: Ueber den Ursprung und die obersten Principien des Rechts. In the B. M., vol. XVII. April; pp. 370-396. (Dependent on Kant in the doctrine of freedom and its consequences, especially as regards the deduction of the concept of right.)

909a) Gerhard, J. H.: cf. no. 766.

909b) Gräffe, J. F. Cp.: cf. no. 664.

910) Gründe, Ueber die bisherigen — der praktischen Weltweisheit. In the K. A. M., I, 1, pp. 17-44. (Historical survey of systems of morals, and criticism of them on the basis of Kant's principles. Worthless.)

911) Gth.: II., pp. 630-632. Review * of Kant's Naturgeschichte, in Gensichen's edition. (No. 20.)

911a) Hasenkamp, Fr. Arn.: cf. no. 738.

912) Herrmann, Ch. Ghf.: Kant und Hemsterhuis in Rücksicht ihrer Definitionen der Schönheit, nebst einigen Einwürfen gegen Letztern. Eine Einladungsschrift zu seinen Vorlesungen. Large 8vo. Erfurt. Görling and Kayser. pp. 68. (Both definitions, too abstract for artists, have their root in the processes of the reflecting mind, which is incited to activity by the vision of beautiful objects.)

913) Herrn, Ueber—Kants Aufsatz, in Betreff der Theodicee. By v. E. In the B.M., vol. xviii, pp. 411-416. (Cf. no. 73.) (An unsuccessful essay towards a Theodicee' from the dogmatic standpoint.—Supplemented by the editor, Biester [pp. 416-421]; who proves that v. E. misunderstood Kant. On a far higher plane than this paper of v. E. stands a very acute inquiry, pp. 526-534: Ueber die Quellen, aus denen eine Theodicee zu fliessen pflegt. According to it, the adoption and the rejection of a Theodicee' depend alike upon peculiarities of character.)

913a, b) Heydenreich, K. H.: cf. nos. 688, 705.

913c-h) Jakob, L. Hr.: cf. nos. 352, 364-368.

914 Isonomiophilus, Bürger des philosophischen Freistaats: Aktenmässige Nachrichten von der neuesten philosophischen Synode, und von der auf derselben abgefassten allgemeingültigen Concordienformel für die philosophischen Gemeinden by (Jh. Fr. Flatt). 8vo. Frankfurt and Leipzig. Two leaves and pp. 195. Second leaf: Vorrede . . . geschrieben in Eleutheriopolis 1790. (A synod is supposed to have met, in order to allay the disputes aroused by the Kantian philosophy. The speeches which purport to have been delivered at it are works of the followers and opponents of Kant, in most cases given word for word. The objections, however, urged by the latter are often carried to extremes. Reinhold's theory [no. 252] proves equally unsatisfactory to friend and foe. The critical