Page:Philosophical Review Volume 3.djvu/203

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No. 2.]

philosophers are allowed to win the day in their conflict with the empiricists and dogmatists ; but not in that with scepticism. Finally there are adopted four propositions of the most general contents, which do not bear at all on the value of the critical philosophy. The work gives an accurate and easily read view of the disputes on the carpet at the time.)

915) K. A. M., I, 1, pp. 161-185. Summary of U.

916) K. A. M., I, 1, pp. 185-210. Summary of Reinhold's theory of the human faculty of ideation (no. 252).

917) K. G. Z.: Part II, pp. 162-175. Review * of Kant's Naturgeschichte, in Gensichen's edition. (No. 20.)

917a, b) Kiesewetter, Jh, Gf. K. Chr.: cf. nos. 462, 463.

917c) Kleuker, Jh. Fr.: cf. no. 718.

917d) Koch, J.: cf. no. 769.

918) L.: II, p. 822. Review * of Kant's Naturgeschichte, in Gensichen's edition. (No. 20.)

919, 919a) Maass, J. Gbh. Ehrr.: Ueber die Aehnlichkeit der christlichen mit der neuesten philosophischen Sittenlehre. Large 8vo. Leipzig. Dyck. pp. 60. (Against no. 606. It is conclusively proved that the complete coincidence, asserted by Schmid, between the moral teachings of Christ and of Kant, is non-existent.—Cf. also no. 516.)

919b-f) Maimon, Sal.: cf. nos. 773, 800-803.

920) Muth, Placid. (Benedictine, and professor theology in Erfurt): Ueber die wechselseitigen Verhältnisse der Philosophie und Theologie nach Kantischen Grundsätzen. Ein Programm. 8vo. Erfurt. Görling. pp. 77. (The moral teaching of Christ is identical with Kant's moral philosophy; from the principle of which the moral laws laid down by Christ are deducible.)

920a) Muzel, Ph. Ldw.: cf. no. 738.

921) Obd.: I, pp. 209 ff. Review * of U.

922, 923, Olshausen.

922) Olshausen, Dtl. J. W.: Prolegomena zu einer Kritik aller sogenannten Beweise füre und wider Offenbarungen. Ein Versuch. 8vo. Copenhagen. Profit. pp. 46. (Olshausen examines the grounds of knowledge in regard to the actuality and possibility of revelation, but cannot arrive at a decision. He only gives the possibilities and their consequences. The former in :)

923) Olshausen: De usu rationis in religione revelata. Dissertatio. Small 8vo. Copenhagen. 1792. Popp. pp. 61. (There is a revelation, which may contain nothing that is contrary to reason, but much that transcends reason. It can only be accepted on the basis of a firm conviction, otherwise gained, of the existence of God. It must leave to reason the establishing of a first moral principle.)

924) Peutinger, U.: Prüfungssätze aus der Moralphilosophie für die Ordensneulinge des freyen Reichsstiftes Irrsee; sammt einer Einleitungs-