Page:Philosophical Review Volume 3.djvu/204

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[Vol. III.

lehre. 8vo. Kaufbeuern. 1791. Three and a half sheets. (Kantian propositions, with explanations by the author.)

924a) Philosophie, Ueber die Kantische—. Cf. no. 764.

924b-u) Ph. Mg.: cf. nos. 264, 279, 506, 516, 523-526, 528, 549-552, 555, 562, 571-573, 580.

924v, w) Rehberg: cf. nos. 505, 553.

925) Reichardt, J. Fr.: Musikalisches Kunstmagazin. Part vii. pp. 28. Fol. Berlin. Author's press. (Contains, among others, many passages from U., under the titles: Von der Methodenlehre des Geschmacks; and: Fingerzeige für den denkenden und forschenden deutschen Tonkünstler. The latter is reprinted in: Geist des musikalischen Kunstmagazins; by J. Fr. Reichardt. Edited by J. A. Small 8vo. Berlin. 1791. Unger, in commission.)

925a-f) Reinhold, C. L.: cf. nos. 246-249, 282, 283.

925g) Revolution, Ueber die älteste—: cf. no. 883.

926) Schaumann, J. Ch. G.: Psyche, oder Unterhaltungen uber die Seele; für Leser und Leserinnen. Large 8vo. Halle. Waisenhaus press. Two parts. pp. xvi, 640. (A popular and entertaining book, written in Kant's terminology. Many illustrations from history, from the experience of every-day life, from accounts of travel, and from poetical writings.—Cf. also no. 996.)

927) Schelle, Augustin (Benedictine, in Tegernsee): Ueber den Grund der Sittlichkeit; nebst einigen Sätzen aus der praktischen Philosophie. Large 8vo. Salzburg. Duyle. Reprinted in Mtr., III, pp. 3-47. (Exposition of the fundamental thoughts of the Kantian system of morals, and of a system of eudaemonism, which sees happiness in the furtherance of the activity of the forces of all individuals. Polemic against Kant's formal principle, and his exclusion of all sensuous, material motives, even in the form of coöperative factors. Unhistorical attempt to bring the two systems nearer to one another, by misinterpretation of the Kantian.—According to J. E. Erdmann, nos. 711 and 713 are also by Schelle; but contents and style render this improbable. It is conjecturable, however, that in no. 928 Schelle has often had Kant in his eye.)

928) Schelle: Praktische Philosophie zum Gebrauch akademischer Vorlesungen. Second edition, improved and enlarged. Large 8vo. Salzburg. Duyle. Part I. Die allgemeine praktische Philosophie und Moral. 1792. pp. xxxiv, 584. Part II. Das Natur- und Völkerrecht und Staatsklugheit. 1794. pp. xxiv, 462.

929) Schicksal der Kantischen Philosophie unter den Franzosen. In the K. A. M., I, 1, pp. 138-160. (Partly a summary, partly a verbal translation of a book which appeared, 1790, in Neuchatel [Fauche-Borel]: Essai sur les préjugés; in which are especially examined the nature and influence of philosophic prejudices.—In the latter of the two articles contained in it occurs a brief and unimportant criticism of the Kantian system.)

929a-c) Schmid, Jh. Wlh.: cf. nos. 609, 610, 619.