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No. 2.]

930, 931, L. Chr. Erh. Schmid.

930) Schmid, K. Chr. Erh.: Empirische Psychologie. Large 8vo. Jena. Cröker. pp. xiv, 568. Second and improved edition, 1796, with the following addition on the title-page: Erster Theil; Einleitung zur Psychologie überhaupt und generelle empirische Psychologie. pp. 584. (The work might equally well have been entitled "rational" psychology; for it proceeds by way of deduction from concepts far more than by that of inducing from experiences. It falls into a lengthy Introduction and five principal division: (1) Von der menschlichen Seele überhaupt; (2) Vorstellungs-; (3) Gefühls-; (4) Begehrungsvermögen; (5) Vom Verhältniss zwischen Seele und Körper. The second volume, which never appeared, was to treat in three parts of the particular forces and phenomena of the human mind; to give a characterization of the different kinds of human nature, sense and thought; and to resolve certain practical problems, referrible to the propositions of an experiential psychology. Where subjects dealt with by Kant come in question, Schmid shares his views. In the theory of the faculty of ideation he attaches himself closely to Reinhold on all principal points.—A detailed review was given of No. 930 by Sal. Maimon, in the Magazin für Erfahrungsseelenkunde; edited by K. Ph. Moritz and Sal. Maimon: vol. ix, part 3. pp. 1-28: under the title)

931) Maimon: Einleitung zur neuen Revision des Magazins für Erfahrungsseelenkunde.

931a, b) Schultz, Jh.: cf. nos. 195, 734.

932-932e) Schwab, J. Chr.: Ueber das höchste Princip der Sittlichkeit. In the B. M., vol. XVII, pp. 477-491. Reprinted in Mtr., III, pp. 48-57. (Dissatisfied with the hardly intelligible moral principle of Kant, Schwab replaces it by a more simple on, which, however, purports to meet the requirements which Kant had formulated for every such principle.—Cf. also nos. 280, 525, 528, 551, 552.)

933) Seineelzer (Steinelzer?) Jak.: Kurzer Entwurf der Martyrokritik 4to. Trier. (At the end, after judgment has been passed upon the Cartesian proof of the existence of God, are to be found also some remarks upon the Kantian philosophy.)

933a) Selle, C. G.: cf. no. 198.

934) Smith, Ad.: Theorie der sittlichen Gefühle, übersetzt, vorgeredet, und hin und wieder commentirt von L. Theobul Kosegarten. Large 8vo. Leipzig. Gräff. Vol. I. 1791. pp. 463. Vol. II, containing the appendices to the sixth edition. 1795. Same place. pp. 248. (In the notes Kant's principles are turned to account for Ethics and Natural Law.)

934a, b) Snell, Chr. Wlh.: cf. nos. 842, 843.

934c, d) Snell, Fr. Wlh. Dn.: cf. nos. 734 i, j.

935) Spazier, K.: Versuch einer kurzen und fasslichen Darstellung