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[Vol. III.

der teleologischen Principien. Ein Auszug aus Kants Kritik der teleologischen Urtheilskraft. Small 8vo. Neuwied. Gehra. pp. 180. (Keeps as nearly as possible to Kant's words.)

936) Stäudlein, C. Fr.: Ideen zur Kritik des Systems der christlichen Religion. 8vo. Göttingen. Vanderhöck and Ruprecht. pp. 364. (Endeavors to reconcile Kant's philosophy of religion with the assumption of miracles and revelation. Among other things, polemic against the attempt [especially of Tieftrunk; cf. nos. 638 ff.] to discover the Kantian moral principle in the teaching of Christ. The two are, of course, in material agreement; since no two truths can contradict each other. But the formal difference is so great, that one could as easily deduce Kant's principles from similar propositions in any of the positive religions of antiquity, as from the words of Christ.)

936a, b) Tieftrunk, J. H.: cf. nos. 642, 643.

937) Tilling, Ch. Gf.: Dissertatio de religionis natura et indole ejusque cum moribus nexu. Large 4to. Leipzig. Part I. pp. 66.

937a, b) Tittel, G. A.: cf. nos. 297, 298.

938) Verhandelingen uitgegeven door de Holl. Maatschappy der Wetenschapen te Haarlem. xxvii D. (1) J. Cp. Schwab: Dissertatio in quaestionem: quid de morali pro existentia Die argumento, imprimis eo, quod a cel. Kantio unicum possibile praedicatur, sentiendum est? Also in Dutch. pp. 1-50. (2) Second answer, in Latin and Dutch, by F. Dn. Behn. pp. 51-175. (3) Third answer, in German and Dutch, by L. H. Jakob. pp. 177-325. For the latter, cf. no. 352.

9380) Versuch einer Grundlegung zur Kritik der christlichen Religion, von einem königlich-preussischen Officier [Rittmeister K. S. von G . . . n]. 8vo. Breslau. Gutsch. pp. 80. (The captain cannot convince himself of the truth of the Christian religion, and begs a critical philosopher—probably Reinhold or Jakob—to resolve his doubts. The letter in question, together with the answer of the philosopher [which contains nothing that is not better said later in ReL, and no. 949] form the contents of the work.)

939) Wrede, E. G. F.: Antilogie des Realismus und Idealismus zur nähern Prüfung der ersten Grundsätze des Kantischen und Leibnitzischen Denksystems. Large 8vo. Halle. Franke and Bispink. pp. 340. (Common sense is the highest criterion of truth; necessity is possible on the basis of experience; the permanent of objects of the external sense is identical with things-in-themselves.)

940) Zachariae, K. Sal.: Programma de officiis perfectis. 4to. Leipzig. Klaubarth. Part i. pp. 18. (Recognizes Kant's moral principle. His list of the practical, material grounds of determination is rejected, and replaced by another. The difference between complete and incomplete duties is pointed out.)