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[Vol. III.


940a) Abicht, J. H.: cf. no. 428. 941-941b) A. D. B.: 107, ii, pp. 463 (more exactly, 467)-468; review * of Kant's Naturgeschichte, in Gensichen's edition (no. 20). Cf. also nos. 363 and 952.

941c) Aenesidemus: cf. no. 1004.

941d-g) A. L. Z.: cf. nos. 774, 950, 951, 954.

941h) Ammon, Cp. F.: cf. no. 1027.

942) Ancillon, L. F.: Judicium de judiciis circa argumentum Cartesianum pro existentia Dei ad nostra usque tempora latis, quatuor in academia Berolinensi habitis praelectionibus expositum et evictum. Large 8vo. Berlin. Lagarde. pp. 150. (Result of the very thorough investigation:—the existence of God can only be a posteriori proven.)

942a) Auszug aus einem Brief (by C. L. Reinhold?): in the K. A. M., I, 2, p. 98. (In place of the expression Urtheilskraft is to be employed Beurtheilskraft or Beurtheilungsvermögen.)

942b) Bendavid, Lz.: cf. no. 555.

942c) Besecke, J. Mlch. Gli.: cf. no. 743.

943) Beweis, Ueber den moralischen—für das Daseyn Gottes, in einem Briefe an einen Freund. In the Schlesische Monatsschrift, ix, pp. 129-140.

944) Bloch: Positiones selectae ex philosophia. 8vo. Heidelberg. 1792. pp. 28—Cf. no. 769.

945) Bouterweck, Fr.: Anzeige einer Vorlesung über die Kantische Philosophie. 8vo. Göttingen. pp. 28. (Bouterweck's aim is to give as popular an exposition as possible of the contents of the R. V. and Pr. V. The fresh acquisitions of Kant, and his difference from his predecessors, are to be clearly enunciated.)

945a, b) Brastberger, Gbh. Ulr.: cf. nos. 751, 757.

946) Briefe eines Engländers über den gegenwärtigen Zustand der deutschen Litteratur, und besonders der Kantischen Philosophie. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt und herausgegeben von H. von B. [by L. K. Jacob. Cf. Vaihinger: Commentar zu R. V. Vol. II. p. 2]. 8vo. Halle. Michaelis and Bispink. pp. 240. Second edition. 8vo. Halle and Leipzig. 1797. Ruff. pp. 240. (The intention of the letters is to excite interest in, and serve as introduction to the study of the Kantian philosophy; and their lucidity renders them well adapted to the purpose. They develop the fundamental propositions of the system, state the objections urged against it, and its relation to positive religion; and cite the passages which require a more detailed discussion.)

946a) Briefwechsel zweier Landprediger über die heutigen Neuerungen in der Theologie und Philosophie. By E. In the: Journal für Prediger. Vol. XXV. Part 3. Or: Neues Journal für Prediger. Vol. V. Part. 3.