Page:Philosophical Review Volume 3.djvu/54

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[Vol. III.

Large 4to. Leipzig. Crusius. pp. 57. (Polemic against a priori intuitions and concepts, from the standpoint of Locke. Space and time could, according to the R. V., be both subjective and objective. Our knowledge extends to the supersensible. Expansion of the physico-theological proof of the existence of God.)

727) Philosophic, Ueber die heutige. In the Zeitschrift in besonderer Rücksicht auf Gegenstände des vornehmern Wissens. 8vo. Hamburg. Part I, no. 2. (In unintelligible language is urged and discussed the unintelligible objection against Kant, that he has confused the faculty of thought, the grounds of separate thoughts, and the condition of the possibility of thought in general. Cf. no. 820.)

727a) Philosophie, Ueber die Kantische. Cf. no. 438.

727b-t) Ph. Mg. Cf. nos. 477, 478, 482, 494, 496-499, 501, 511-513, 514, 536-540.

727u-x) Rehberg, A. Wlh. Cf. nos. 481, 483, 500, 502.

727y-gg) Reinhold, C. L. Cf. nos. 252-257, 445, 508, 510.

728-733a, Reuss.

728) Reuss, Matern: Soil man auf katholischen Universitäten Kants Philosophie erklären? Large 8vo. Würzburg. Rienner. pp. 62. Reprinted in Mtr. I, pp. 52-88. (The question is answered in the affirmative, after it has been shown, in a brief summary of the Kantian philosophy, that this contains no elements of danger to religion, morals, or state. For the lectures which he actually delivered on Kant's philosophy, Reuss wrote no. 729 with strict reference to Jakob's Logic and Metaphysic; in his Analytica he follows the R. V. closely.)

729) Reuss: Logica universalis et analytica facultatis cognoscendi purae; scholae suae scripsit. 8vo. Same place, pp. 191. (Answering the same purpose as nos. 729 and 604 were:)

730) Reuss: De eo quid ratio speculativa a priori de anima et mundo statuere possit. Würzburg. 1792.

731) Reuss: Dissertatio. Theoria sensualitatis. 8vo. Würzburg. 1793. pp. 20.

732) Reuss: Dissertatio. Theoria facultatis repraesentandi. 8vo. Würzburg. 1793. pp. 24.

733) Reuss: Dissertatio. Theoria rationis cum positionibus de psychologia rationali. 8vo. Würzburg. 1793. pp. 16.

733a) Reuss Praes.—Mack, G.: Dissertatio. Positiones ex universa philosophia. Würzburg. 1795.

733b) Schaumann, J. C. G. Cf. no. 321.

733c, d) Schmid, Ih. Wlh. Cf. nos. 605, 618.

734) Schultz, Jh.: Prüfung der Kantischen Critik der reinen Vernunft. Two vols. 1789-1792. Part I. Large 8vo. Königsberg. Hartung. pp. vi, 242. Pirated: Frankfurt and Leipzig. 1791. (Comprises only the Introduction, and the portion of the Aesthetics which falls to be considered