Page:Philosophical Review Volume 3.djvu/55

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No. I.]

in the very thorough treatment of the theory of mathematical knowledge. Kant's doctrines are accurately apprehended and clearly expounded; if there is any deviation from the Critik, it is at most a small one in the matter of the distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments. On Schultz' view, a judgment may be variously analytic or synthetic to various persons, according to the concept which they connect with the subject of it. The elements of doubt are to disappear through one's understanding by this 'concept' the fundamental concept; i. e., the most primary concept which one forms of the subject, and which contains only those characteristics which are requisite for the discrimination of it from other things. A large portion of the first volume is taken up with detailed and always acute, if not invariably successful polemic against Abel [no. 230], Borntrager [no. 441], Feder [no. 319], Platner [no. 188], Reimarus [no. 395], Selle [no. 197], Stattler [no. 625], Tiedemann [no. 223], Tittel [no. 296], Weishaupt [nos. 303-305]. Against Vol. I are nos. 547-549, 628. On Vol. II, cf. no. 563.)

734a) Schütz, Ch. Gf. Cf. no. 221.

734b) Simon, Jh. NicL : Sätze aus der Moralphilosophie. 4to. Koblenz. (Propositions from the fields of general practical philosophy, ethics, and natural law; strongly influenced by Kant.)

734c) Skizze einer Geschichte der Moral. In the Berlinisches Journal für Aufklärung. 1789. Vol. IV, Part II; Vol. V, Parts I, III. 1790. Vol. VII, Part I. (The duties of morality are merely accidental and conventional. This result is declared to be in harmony with that of the Pr. V.}

734d) Snell, Chr. W. Cf. no. 712.

734e-736, Fr. Wlh. Dn. Snell.

734e) Snell, Fr. Wlh. Dn.: Menon, oder Versuch in Gesprächen die vornehmsten Punkte aus der Kritik der praktischen Vernunft des Hrn. Kant zu erläutern. Large 8vo. Mannheim. Schwan & Götz. pp. 392. Second and improved edition. Same place. 1796. pp. 404. (Snell is as shallow as he is productive. His writings consist for the most part of long-winded, dull, superficial repetitions of Kantian thoughts. They were not entirely without value, for the popularizing of Kant, at the time of their publication; but for the general development of science and for us to-day they are quite worthless. Snell, like his brother Chr. W. Snell (cf. Snell, 1790), seems to have made a far better practical teacher than author. The Menon, directed in particular against the principle of happiness, which is represented as bringing in its train the most sad and terrible consequences, was attacked in a review in the:)

734f) G. g. A. 1790, I, pp. 14-19. (Snell defended himself in the N. Ph. Mg. 1790. I, 4, PP. 512-544:)

734g) Snell, Fr. W. Dn.: Ueber die Begriffe von reiner Sittlichkeit und Glückseligkeit, in Beziehung auf eine Recension in den Göttinger gelehrten Anzeigen.