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[Vol. III.

734h) Snell, Fr. W. Dn.: Vermischte mathematische und philosophische Aufsätze. 8vo. Giessen. 1789. Krieger. pp. 198. Second edition, 1769. (The second essay treats of Kant's doctrine of moral freedom; the third disputes the objections raised by Ulrich to it, in his Eleutheriologie. Cf. no. 650.)

734i) Snell, Fr. W. Dn.: Ueber das Gefühl des Erhabenen, nach Kants Kritik der Urtheilskraft. In the N. Ph. Mg. 1791. II, 4, pp. 426-466.

734j) Snell, Fr. W. Dn.: Kurze Darstellung und Erläuterung der Kantischen Kritik der ästhetischen Urtheilskraft. Part I, containing the aesthetic portion. Large 8vo. Giessen and Mannheim. 1791. Schwan & Götz. pp. 246. Second and last part, containing the salient points of the Kritik der teleologischen Urtheilskraft. 1792. Same place, pp. 236. (Where Kant is clear, Snell is long-winded; where Kant is difficult, on the other hand, Snell either reproduces his expressions exactly, or even omits much of what Kant has said, in varied phraseology and on other occasions, for the more intelligible exposition of his argument.)

734k) Snell, Fr. W. Dn.: Ueber die Gleichmüthigkeit. In Ph. I. 1793. I, 2. pp. 159-204. (On pp. 192-194 are tabulated the characteristics of moral equanimity in accordance with the table of categories.)

734l) Snell, Fr. W. Dn. : Lehrbuch für den ersten Unterricht in der Philosophie. 8vo. Giessen. 1794. Heyer. Part I. Erfahrungs-Seelenlehre, Logik, Metaphysik, und Aesthetik. pp. xviii, 264. Part II. Moral, Naturrecht, moralische Religionslehre. pp. 138. Second edition. 1796. pp. 264 and 136. Third edition. 1801. Seventh edition. 1821. Eighth edition, revised and improved. 1832. Same place. Eighteen and a half sheets. (Kant's doctrines are expounded in popular fashion for beginners, the work being intended as an introduction to the more exact study of his works. The Aesthetik, by Chr. W. Snell, is a simple summary of U.; the Moral, an abstract of C. Chr. Erh. Schmid's Moral-philosophie. 1790. At a later date, Snell left Kant to follow Fichte, without, however, being conscious of the range of Fichte's philosophy and its total difference from that of Kant. This is shown in:)

735) Erläuterungen der Transscendentalphilosophie, für das grössere Publicum bestimmt, von J. E. Chr. Schmidt und Fr. W. Dn. Snell. Part I. 8vo. Giessen. 1800. Heyer. pp. 108. Contains: (I) Ueber die Absicht der kritischen Philosophie; (2) Ueber einige Vorurtheile gegen das Studium der kritischen Philosophie; (3) Ueber Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft, und Herders Metakritik. (Herder often disputes assertions which Kant has not made at all; there is no very great difference between the two.)

736) Snell, Fr. W. Dn.: Ueber philosophischen Kriticismus, in Vergleichung mit Dogmatismus und Skepticismus. 8vo. Giessen. 1802. Tasché & Müller. pp. 82. (Defence of Criticism. In spite of his assumption of things-in-themselves, Kant has nevertheless expressed no opinion on the question whether the origin of ideas of sense lies within or without the knowing subject.—Cf., also, as regards his share in the Handbuch der