Page:Philosophy and Fun of Algebra.djvu/18

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know, and began to deal logically with the fact of their own ignorance. This method of solving problems by honest confession of one's ignorance is called Algebra.[1]

The name Algebra is made up of two Arabic words.

The science of Algebra came into Europe through Arabs, and therefore is called by its Arabic name. But it is believed to have been known in India before the Arabs got hold of it.

Any fact which we know or have been told about our problem is called a datum. The number of pounds of sugar we are to buy is one datum; the price per pound is another.

The plural of datum is data. It is a good plan to write all one's data on one column or page of the paper and work one's sum on the other. This leaves the first column clear for adding to one's data if one finds out any fresh one.

  1. See Appendix.