Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 2.djvu/295

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SgEorfes of (Bmxtx, lEIlis, antr .^cton 23dL 1. JANE EYRE : an Autobiography. By Currer Bell. Fourth Edition, post 8vo, 6^. cloth. " * Jane Eyre' is a remarkable production. Freshness and originality, truth and passion, singular felicity in the description of natural scenery and in the analyzation of human thought, enable this tale to stand boldly out from the mass, and to assume its own place in the bright field of romantic literature. We could not but be struck with the raciness and ability of the work, by the independent sway of a thoroughly original and unworn pen, by the masculine current of noble thoughts, and the unflinching dissection of the dark yet truthful character." — Times. II. WUTHERING HEIGHTS and AGNES GREY ; with a Selection of the Literary Remains of Ellis and Acton Bell, and a Biographical Notice of both Authors by Currer Bell. Crown 8vo, 6s. cloth. " ' Wuthering Heights' bears the stamp of a profoundly individual, strong, and passionate mind. This memoir is one of the most touching chapters in literary biography." — Nonconformist. III. SHIRLEY J a Tale. By Currer Bell. 3 vols, post 8vo, i/. IIS. 6d. cloth. " ' Shirley' is an admirable book; totally free from cant and affectation; genuine English in the independence and uprightness of the tone of thought, in the purity of heart and feeling which pervade it, in the masculine vigour of its conception of character, and in style and diction. It is a tale of passion and character, and a veritable triumph of psychology." — Morning Chronicle. " ' Shirley' is very clever. The faculty of graphic description, strong imagination, fervid and masculine diction, analytic skill, all are visible. Gems of rare thought and glorious passion shine here and there throughout the volumes." — Times. IV. POEMS. By Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. Fcap. 8vo, 4^. cloth. " A volume of poems which will not detract from the fame of the authors. The poems bearing the signature of Currer Bell exhibit the impress of a matured intellect and masterly hand." — Morning Herald.