Page:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 2.djvu/296

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BOOKS PUBLISHED BY ModiS of iWr. Heiglb l^unt. I. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF LEIGH HUNT : with Reminiscences of Friends and Contemporaries. 3 vols, post 8vo, with Portraits, i/. 115. bd. cloth. " These volumes contain a personal recollection of the literature and poli- tics, as well as some of the most remarkable literary men and politicians, of the last fifty years. The reminiscences are varied by sketches of manners during the same period, and by critical remarks on various topics. They are also ex- tended by boyish recollection, family tradition, and contemporary reading j so that we have a sort of social picture of almost a century, with its fluctuations of public fortune and its changes of fashions, manners, and opinions." — Spectator. II. THE TOWN : its Memorable Characters and Events. 2 vols, post 8vo, with 45 Illustrations, i/. 4^. cloth. " We will allow no higher enjoyment for a rational Englishman than to stroll leisurely through this marvellous town arm-in-arm with Mr. Leigh Hunt. He gives us the outpourings of a mind enriched with the most agree- able knowledge." — Times. III. MEN, WOMEN, AND BOOKS. 2 vols, post 8vo, with Portrait, i/. is. cloth. " A book for a parlour-window, for a summer's eve, for a warm fireside, for a half-hour's leisure, for a whole day's luxury ; in any and every possible shape a charming companion." — JVestm'inster Review. IV. TABLE TALK. Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, js. " Precisely the book we would take as a companion on the green lane walk ; and to the drawing-room table it will prove a most esteemed acqui- sition." — Globe. V. IMAGINATION AND FANCY. Cloth, gilt edges, lOs. 6d. ; boards, gs. VI. WIT AND HUMOUR. Cloth, gUt edges, 10s. 6d. j boards, gx.