Page:Plant indicators the relation of plant communities to process and practice.djvu/14

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IV. Climax Formations of Western North America - Continued.

The Petran Chaparral-Continued.


Vernal societies 187
Estival societies 187
Serotinal societies 187

The Subclimax Chapparral

Rhus-Quercus Associes.

Nature 187
Extent and contacts 188
Groupings 189
Relations of the dominants 189


The Coastal Chapparal

Adenostoma-Ceanothus Association

Nature and extent 190
Groupings 191
Factor and seral relations 192


Prevernal societies 193
Vernal societies 193
Estival societies 193

The Woodland Climax

Pinus-Juniperus Formation

Nature 193
Range and extent 194
Unity of the formation 195
Structure of the formation 196
Contacts 197

The Pinon-Cedar Woodland

Pinus-Juniperus Association

Nature and extent 197


Shade societies 199

The Oak-Cedar Woodland

Quercus-Juniperus Aasociation

Nature and extent 200
Factor relations 201


Shade societies 202

The Pine-Oak Woodland

Pinus-Quercus Aaaociation

Nature and extent 202

The Montane Forest Climax

Pinus-Pseudotsuga Formation

Nature 205
Extent 205
Unity of the formation 205
Relationship and contacts 206
Associations 207

The Petran Montane Forest

Pinus-Pseudotsuga Aaaociation

Extent 207
Groupings 208
Factor relations 209
Seral relations 209

Societies and Clans

The Sierra Montane Forest

Pinus Association

Extent 211
Groupings 212
Factor and sersd relations 212


Shrubs 213
Herbs 214

The Coast Forest Climax

Thuja-Tsuga Formation

Nature 214
Extent 214
Unity 215
Relationship and contacts 215
Associations 216

The Cedar-Hemlock Forest

Thuja-Tsuga Association

Nature and extent 217
Groupings 217
Factor and seral relations 218


Shrubs 219
Herbs 219

The Larch-Pine Forest

Larix-Pinus Association

Nature and extent 219
Groupings 220
Factor and serai relations 220


The Subalpine Forest Climax

Picea-Abies Formation

Nature 222
Extent 222
Unity 222
Relationship and contacts 223
Associations 224

The Petran Subalpine Forest

Picea-Abies Association

Extent 224
Groupings 225
Factor and seral relations 225
