Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/104

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Pepita. Thanks.

Prince Florencio and Harry Lucenti have entered during the conversation, seating themselves at one of the tables.

Rosina. I told you it would be easy. Look! A Prince! The Prince of Suavia.

Pepita. Do you get many princes here?

Rosina. Very few—real ones. [They go out, talking.

Jacob. [To the Prince] Ah! Your Highness! This is a great honor to me and to my theatre. At your Highness's orders. Signore! Ah! I forgot. Next week new and extraordinary attractions. One number alone twenty thousand francs! Business is becoming more difficult, prices continually going up. Your Highness… [Backs off, bowing.

Harry Lucenti. Delightful old scamp, Mr. Jacob.

Prince Florencio. He must lead a gay life with his artists.

Mr. Jacob goes up to Mme. Jenny, who is sitting at a table, knitting busily.

Jacob. But Mme. Jenny, must we quarrel always?

Jenny. Why, Mr. Jacob?

Jacob. Is this a place for you to do your knitting?

Jenny. I have to work for the children. What harm is there in it?

Jacob. You might cook your meals here if you like.

Jenny. Yes, it's better to do—what the others do.

Jacob. It's all my fault for allowing the artists to mix with the public.

Tobacco. Artists? Does he mean me?

Jenny. It's easy to see that you're not accustomed to dealing with artists.

Jacob. I am not accustomed to dealing with artists?