Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/105

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Tobacco. No. This isn't a theatre, this isn't a circus, it's a…

Jenny. [Pointing to the cocottes] Those are the artists you want here.

Jacob. My business is to please the public.

Tobacco. Well, don't I please the public? Here! Here! [Squaring off to strike him. Several interfere.

Some. Mr. Jacob!

Others. Tobacco! Messieurs!

Cornac enters running.

Cornac. Mr. Ruhu! Mr. Ruhu! Nero run away! He break everything!

Ruhu-Sahib. Can't they let him alone? Give him a chance. Go on! What more do they want? [Saunters out, after drinking, very deliberately.

The bell rings.

Jacob. And I waste my time, valuable time! The second part—Sottes! Stupid people!

Mr. Jacob runs out.

Tobacco. I'm through; that settles it. I shan't stay in this place another day. I'm through, I tell you.

Mme. Lelia enters. She carries a large hand-bag.

Lelia. Why, what is the matter, Mr. Tobacco? Have you been fighting with Mr. Jacob? He is an idiot to fight with you. How are you, Mme. Jenny? How are the little ones?

Jenny. Entirely too healthy for their mother. What they don't eat they break. We cannot keep a thing in the house.

Lelia. I should think you would be glad they are well and strong; some day they will grow up and earn money.

Tobacco. Yes, they're pretty fine tumblers as it is—better than the Sheffers already.

Jenny. How is your little one, Mme. Lelia?

Lelia. She is not well; only so-so. I had to put her on