Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/107

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Lelia. I am waiting for my husband. Kisses to the little ones, Mme. Jenny.

Jenny. And to yours from me, Mme. Lelia. [Tobacco and Jenny go out.

Nunu and Tommy enter.

Tommy. They are here! See?

Nunu. I told you they'd be here. The Prince never goes behind.

Tommy. Are you going to speak to them?

Nunu. Wait till they call us. You know the Prince? Sit down. Have something? [They sit down.

Tommy. Do we eat there to-night?

Nunu. Yes.

Tommy. Donina, too?

Nunu. Donina's a fool; she's crazy. She don't want to come. She's jealous of my running around.

Tommy. Why don't she take on some one herself?

Nunu. She? If she only would! The Prince, say… Our fortune would be made!

Tommy. Why don't you make her?

Nunu. Make her? You don't know her. You talk like a fool. She wouldn't do it; but she will out of jealousy. Tell her I am out with another woman, and she'd go if it was to hell, and kick the hat off the devil.

Tommy. What does the Prince want with Donina?

Nunu. How do I know? He's got the notion; I'm tired of her and I need the money. I need a lot of money, so I can leave this life and settle down like a decent fellow. The Prince is like the rest of them; he doesn't know what he wants.

Tommy. He doesn't? Did you hear what happened to Fred with the Countess? She gave him money at first and jewels; now she is tired of him and says it was blackmail. She swears she'll call in the police.