Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/108

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Nunu. Police? He's a fool if he stands for that. If I once get my hands on the Prince, I can tell you he won't call in the police.

Tommy. The Prince? Why not?

Nunu. You idiot! Donina's a minor; she's under age. I know the law. The Prince can't stand for a row. Don't you see?

Tommy. What's the difference? If I was a Prince, I wouldn't give a damn what I stood for.

Nunu. Neither would I. But that's the way these people are. They want to do as they please, and then they don't want anybody to know about it. That's what costs the money.

Tommy. You bet; but these fellows always have some one around. They mayn't look it…

Nunu. Not this time. Listen! They want to get him in a fix. Some of those chaps were talking to me—they saw me with him. There's a party in his country that wants to make him Emperor. That's the reason they sent him away.

Tommy. Oho! So you are a conspirator?

Nunu. I? What do I care? I want the money, that's all we can get out of it. He can be Emperor if he wants to. It's nothing to me; I want to give up this life and go home and marry a decent girl—a girl that's straight. Her father won't have me, though. He says I'm no good; but when he sees I have money, that I amount to something——

Tommy. But I thought Donina——

Nunu. Donina? I tell you she's the one who's in love with me; I let her like the rest. You know all these actresses are good for: roba di principi.

Tommy. But I thought that you loved her, that you were happy?

Nunu. A man has to live somehow, doesn't he?—with his