Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/109

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eye on something else, more or less far away? Isn't that the way that you live?

Tommy. Yes, but I am tied up with a wife and the boy. What have I to look forward to?

Nunu. Nothing, for yourself; but you can hope that your children won't be like you—that they will amount to something.

Tommy. Yes…

Nunu. Well, there you are.

Esther. Which is the Prince?

Juliette. The youngest—the one who doesn't talk. He never talks. Will you look at that?

Rosina and Pepita have seated themselves meanwhile at the Prince's table.

They're taking a chance. Won't they be set up?

Esther. What does the Prince come here for, anyway?

Juliette. It's the actresses. That Englishman is his secretary; he always brings him along. They're to have supper to-night—the real thing—in a sort of dive, but tough! Awful!

Rosina and Pepita, who have been sitting with the Prince, get up and move away.

Esther. Look! They are blushing. And they are laughing at them!

Juliette. I'll give them a pinch as they go out.

Esther. No, don't make a scene. Mr. Jacob will take up your pass.

Prince Florencio. Ah, Harry, I am bored to death! I am sick. What will you find for me to do next?

Harry Lucenti. March upon Suavia, proclaim yourself Emperor, and declare war against the world.

Prince Florencio. Silence, imperialist poet!

Harry Lucenti. Why not? I am an Emperor myself.