Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/112

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Nunu. No, your Highness, she is the one who is in love with me. You know that. [His eye is attracted by a ring on the Prince's finger] What a magnificent ring! May I see it?

Prince Florencio. Are you fond of jewels?

Nunu. Am I?

Prince Florencio. [His eye lighting upon one of Nunu's] So I see.

Nunu. Oh, that's only glass! At night, with the lights, it's all right—when a man can't afford anything else. What is this stone?

Prince Florencio. A ruby. This is an opal.

Tommy. Opals are bad luck.

Prince Florencio. Not to me; to others, perhaps. Would you be afraid to wear it? [Tossing him the ring.

Tommy. I should say not! [Putting on the ring] Thanks, your Highness! Although I shan't have it long. Hard times come with us; that will be the bad luck.

Nunu. [Offended] Tommy is your friend now.

Prince Florencio. And you are not; I have nothing for you. We are enemies.

Nunu. But suppose I have a surprise for you to-night?

Prince Florencio. Then I shall give you a ring which will make all your friends die of envy.

Nunu. Oh, bella!

Prince Florencio. And other things which I know you want besides.

The Prince takes a gold cigarette-case from his pocket and offers cigarettes.

Nunu. Another! Gold, too… everything is gold. But this one has jewels… Is this your name?

Prince Florencio. No, some English verses; that is all. Keep it, Nunu.