Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/113

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Nunu. Your Highness!

Prince Florencio. Keep it, I tell you.

Nunu. Oh, bella! Look, Tommy! Diamonds; and these are like yours.

Tommy. Rubies!

Nunu. Did you say they were verses? [Reading.]

"O, you, the master-mistress"——

I can't read any more.

Harry Lucenti. You won't be any worse off.

Nunu. Here come Donina and Zaida.

Harry Lucenti. That Arab girl?—at least that is what she calls herself.

Nunu. It's a fact, though. She's from Constantina in Algiers; she's a Jewess. She did Oriental dances; then her manager turned her over to ours, so since then she has been dancing with us. She'd pass for a Neapolitan.

Prince Florencio. I thought she was one.

Nunu. She's always crying—that is her sort. She cries over everything.

Prince Florencio. Who pays the bills?

Nunu. No one; she isn't that way. She likes me, though, pretty well; she's such a friend of Donina's that if I say anything, she's up in a minute. She's in love with Donina, daft over her. And fierce as a lion!

Harry Lucenti. Pretty soon it will be love all around through the triangle.

Nunu. No, she's a lamb.

Prince Florencio. No wonder, living with you. We shall meet you then later. Do you go straight from here?

Nunu. Just as we are; it's all arranged.

Prince Florencio, Nobody will be missing?

Nunu. No, I'll show you who's your friend.