Page:Plays by Jacinto Benavente - Third series (IA playstranslatedf03benauoft).pdf/124

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Cecco's tavern.


Sailors and evil-looking persons sit about in groups, drinking and playing cards. Cecco and Gaetano move among them serving wine. Majestá, an old hag, at a table alone, apparently asleep. Pietro arid others in the background.

Third Sailor. Hand over the money; it comes to me. Bring more wine. I'll pay.

Gaetano. You will?

Second Sailor. Don't play any more.

Third Sailor. Let go!

Second Sailor. I've had enough; I take out my money.

Third Sailor. Take it out, man; take it out. It's quits. Don't talk.

Second Sailor. No, if you're going to play——

First Sailor. Going to play? Who's going to play?

Third Sailor. Come on! Hand over! Here's my pile.

Gaetano. [Aside to Cecco] Who are these people? I don't know them.

Cecco. Off a yacht which got in this morning. Can't you see the name? How does it go?

Gaetano. All right; they have money. They keep a sharp watch.

Cecco. So I see. Play them easy. No trouble to-night, do you hear? Then they won't squeal. They'll be back to-morrow.